Buckminster fuller said "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Curt McNamara is well known in the Buckminster Fuller Institute community for his comprehensive study of Bucky's work, and is currently writing his own book called Bucky for Designers because he says we are all designers.
First, Curt answers the question "What is a Trimtab?" We talk about utilizing the inherent energy within systems, Pattern Language, the geometry of influencing collective structures and their power to affect individual decisions in aggregate, and creating helpful nudges that help influence individual behavior within a system.
Finally, Steve asks Curt: "What would Bucky Trimtab if he were alive today?"
Curt McNamara: http://systemeducation.com/
Mentioned in this episode:
Future Crunch - https://futurecrun.ch/
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) - https://www.ipcc.ch/
52 Living Ideas Meetup - https://52livingideas.com/
Every year, the Buckminster Fuller Institute (https://www.bfi.org) hosts a dynamic event called Trimtab Space Camp, and each event encourages participants to join or host a Mission, the collaborative learning component of this 8-week online event. This year's Space Camp: Towards Climate Stabilization hosted 20 Missions with over 150 participants. At the end of the eight-week journey, crew-members from each Mission have 5 minutes to share their results with the group and the wider BFI community of over 100,000 people.
The Spaceship Earth Mission Log project will be interviewing leaders from each of the 20 Missions over the next 8 weeks beyond the close of this Space Camp. Subscribe to make deeper connections and be notified when each Mission Log comes out!
Steven Leavitt hosts this series, and is the host of The Language of Creativity podcast, https://www.thelanguageofcreativity.com. He has attended four Space Camps since 2020 and is inspired by Buckminster Fuller's quote: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
tags: design science, synergetics, Buckminster Fuller, biomimicry, systems change, tetrahedron, climate solutions, Pattern Language, systems thinking, Nudging, behavioral economics, Michael Pons, Elinor Ostrom, system coupling, Whole Earth Catalog, Stuart Brand, technology, Atomic Habits, Herbert Simon, Predictably Irrational, satisficing, infographics, IPCC,transportation, fossil fuels, Amazon, electric cars, Elon Musk, regenerative agriculture, farmers markets, trimtab
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